As from now please note that we will no longer be sending out disk based copies of THE CRYPT free of charge, basically it's far too time consuming and expensive! So we have introduced what we feel is a cheaper and more efficient system called the "Diskback Service"! Please note that the disks you will be sent will be for the Hard Drive Install version. They will not contain the DMC.exe program or other system files, you should already have these files from previous editions. So if you want to receive the next issue of THE CRYPT, here's what to do;
Send to our addresses given later the following;
- 4 x verify formatted disks.
- A stamped addressed padded mail bag.
We dispatch THE CRYPT to you on its day of release! This is also available for back issues, just request which one you want!
Send to our addresses given later the following;
- 5 x verify formatted disks
- A correctly addressed padded mail bag.
We dispatch THE CRYPTto you on its day of release! This is also available for back issues, just request which one you want!
We keep 1 of the disks, which goes towards the running expenses of this magazine (imagine how much we spend on distributing "courtesy copies"!)
Please DON'T get it wrong, or we will not return your package, its no good sending disks we can't write to, or not enough stamps for return postage, if you can't send us what we request, PLEASE DON'T BOTHER! We are offering this as a service to our readers, WE ARE NOT DOING IT FOR THE LOVE OF COPYING DISKS FOR HOURS ON END, because we don't!
We verify, optimize and virus check every disk we dispatch, but please note we will NOT be held responsible for undelivered mail, that`s between you and the Royal Mail.
THE CRYPT is currently Public Domain, THE CRYPT should be available from most good PD libraries or a fully "bootable" disk version may be purchased direct from ForeMatt Home Computing.
Send to The Dungeon Master at the following address:-
or to The Ferret at the following address:-